New Advances in AI and AI Chatbots May Leave Users Concerned About Data Collection and Privacy

Snapchat最近发布了新的内部好友, MyAI, 证明了人工智能(AI)和聊天机器人最近有多先进. 然而, with these incredible features comes uncertainty about the collection of users’ data and users’ data privacy.

随着互联网使用量的增加,数据隐私的重要性也在增加. Data privacy can be defined as the ability individuals have to govern their data in regard to how their personal information is disclosed, 收集, 并与他人交流. 个人信息的例子包括用户的姓名, Locations, 联系方式或网上或现实世界的行为.

通常, websites and other applications need to collect and store personal data about users in order to provide services. 然而, 这些应用程序通常超出用户对数据收集和使用的预期, 使用户的隐私比他们意识到的要少得多. 另外, user data not adequately stored by those platforms opens the possibility of a data breach – ultimately compromising the user’s data without his or her knowledge.

在许多司法管辖区, 隐私被认为是一项基本人权, 数据保护法的存在就是为了保护这一权利. 世界各国政府和某些美国政府.S. states have begun passing laws and regulations regarding what kind of data can be 收集 about users and how that data must be stored. 然而, with the introduction of extremely advanced chatbots like ChatGPT and Snapchat’s new MyAI that exist with little regulation over data collection, users may find themselves leery of usage and unaware of just exactly what they’re revealing to their “online friends.”

2023年4月中旬,Snapchat向所有人发布了MyAI Snapchat每月7.5亿用户 免费, after originally making it available in February to the app’s more than three million paid subscribers.  The OpenAI-powered bot was created to improve the user app experience and help the navigation of the app with recommendations and chats. 然而, the implications and pure computing capabilities of MyAI lend it to do much more than just that.

MyAI为日常问题提供个人建议, 回答解释性和事实性问题, 帮助用户制定计划, 撰写关于主题的文章, 并且几乎做了所有介于两者之间的事情, 几秒钟后. MyAI可能的应用是无穷无尽的. 然而, this comes with the drawback of users sharing information with the AI  and straining users’ confidence about what personal data the chatbot is storing and how it is being stored.

如上文所述 Snapchat的支持论坛“与MyAI共享的内容,包括你的Locations,如果你与Snapchat共享了这些内容, 会被MyAI用来对您的请求提供相关和有用的回复吗, 包括附近的地方推荐. Your data may also be used by Snap to improve Snap’s products and personalize your experience, 包括广告.”

就像大多数科技公司使用的类似声明一样, 这份免责声明故意含糊其辞, 设计的目的是让用户匆忙忽略它,点击“同意”.在……中发现了一些细节 Snapchat隐私政策,该公司概述了收集的数据类型以及如何存储这些数据. 某些数据收集类型包括使用信息, 内容信息, 设备信息, 手机电话簿, 相机, 照片和音频, 通过cookie和其他技术收集的信息, 以及日志信息.

尽管隐私政策中收集的数据没有一个是非常不合适的, 随着人工智能的快速发展, users should question exactly what lengths these companies will push to achieve maximum user experience. Users should consider what types of information will be stored on them in the future if MyAI begins to alter its personality based on user-personalized interests.

至于Snapchat收集的数据的存储, there are two main categories of security issues when it comes to data protection: security threats and system vulnerabilities. A security threat is defined as any risk or threat that is a possible danger to a computer system caused by intentional acts with the purpose of causing harm to the system/company, 经济收益或其他获得有形或无形价值的手段. 许多聊天机器人, 包括Snapchat的MyAI, 使用云计算bet9平台游戏来存储客户数据, 哪一种能够很好地处理威胁和漏洞.

这可能会让用户认为他们的数据是不可破解的. 然而,在今年3月,为Snapchat的MyAI提供动力的OpenAI看到了 安全漏洞 这暴露了1的付款相关信息.在特定的9小时窗口内活跃的ChatGPT Plus用户占2%. 暴露的漏洞影响了用户的姓和名, 电子邮件地址, 付款地址, 他们信用卡号的后四位, 还有他们信用卡的到期日期. These types of breaches serve as a reminder that even with the most robust security measures in place, 数据泄露仍然存在风险.

数据泄露和安全漏洞的可能性持续存在, companies like Snapchat can only implement best practices when it comes to data management and data storage. 其中包括:

  • 在身份访问管理中实现最小权限
  • Providing up-to-date information security awareness training and role-specific training for all employees
  • 通过端到端加密保护通信
  • 提供漏洞和补丁管理

然而, 具有所有可用的数据管理复杂性, 数据泄露的风险仍然存在. Users must assume some of the responsibility to ensure that they are not exposing chatbots to any personal information that can be harmful if inappropriately accessed. 这些聊天机器人用户的一些最佳实践包括:

  • 保持个人身份信息(PII)的私密性.
    • 不要与MyAI分享任何如果被泄露会暴露你自己的东西. 信用卡信息, 财务账户信息, 社会保障信息, 健康记录, 其他私人文档只能与经过良好加密且可信的资源共享.
  • 避免讨论公司的私人信息.
    • 许多消费者使用聊天机器人Slack GPT作为商务会议的笔记工具. Users should be leery of using these sorts of AI tools and be conscious of the types of company information they share with AI.
  • 遵守AI使用的社区指南.
    • Understand that these AI are not perfect and that loopholes can be created in the AI’s function to be not biased or inappropriate. The best practice for all users is to abide by the company’s acceptable use guidelines that can be readily available with a quick 搜索.

It is equally important to understand that because of the rapid expansion of AI and AI-related services, 这些过程中有许多是新的,远非完美. All that you can do in this stage of development is to be judicious of what information you provide to the chatbots and follow the best practices on the user side of communication.

如果您想了解更多关于人工智能和人工智能聊天机器人的信息,请联系 施耐德唐斯IT风险咨询bet9平台游戏 团队 (电子邮件保护).


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